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Category: Alumni and other friends (Page 2 of 38)

CEO of Reuter’s on Citizen Journalism

Tom Glocer is CEO of Reuters and he is also a blogger. Where better for him to publish an article called “Trust in the Age of Citizen Journalism” than on his blog?

The article is the text of a speech Glocer gave at “Globes Media Conference in Tel Aviv on Monday 11 December 2006.” About the talk he says: “It’s about trust in media today, taking into account the growing
popularity of blogging and all other types of citizen journalism.”

Reminds me that when I met Lobsang Wangyal, the Reuters reporter amongst exiled Tibetans, he was most interesting in talking about his newly formed Association of Tibetan Journalists. The Association’s biggest task, he told me, is preparing citizens to be journalists by educating them about strong and respected news practices — values, ethics and skills.

Glocer’s talk via Dan Gillmor and the Center for Citizen Media. Dan has his reservations about parts of the talk.

Birdsong silenced in Raleigh

Gary Birdsong - Nov 2005
“And no birds sang” as Keats ended his poem, “La Belle Dame Sans Merci.” But in this case, the silence befell our favorite pitpreacher, Gary Birdsong as he tried to take his redemption show on the road to the general public.

Gary has been preaching hell fire and damnation at UNC and other campuses or well over a decade that I can recall. But once he started up on Raleigh’s Fayetteville Street in front of the Wake County Courthouse, he upset the gentile dinners at Yancey’s Juke Joint who called the police.

Ryan Teague Beckwith has the story on his News and Observer blog.

The people at UNC-Asheville aren’t nice to Gary either.[YouTube]

We ibiblians have some nice pictures of a slightly younger and less hairy Gary in classic poses.

60s Student Protests in Chapel Hill

ae alerts us to an exhibit and a series of events called “I Raised my Hand to Volunteer: Students Protest in 1960s Chapel Hill” beginning on January 23 with all but the ultimate event in Wilson Library — that last event will be at the Sonja Hayes Stone Center for Black Culture and History, Seminar Room.

Scheduled events include:

  • Jan. 23, 2007– Prof. Peter Filene, Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor in the History Department at UNC-Chapel Hill, will give a talk entitled “Personally Authentic: Carolina Student Protestors in the Sixties.” Filene, who began teaching at UNC in 1967 and has won six teaching awards in his career, will draw on his own experiences, as well as his research and teaching about the political movements of the era and student activism in general. Wilson Library, reception and exhibit viewing at 5:15 p.m., program at 6 p.m.
  • Jan. 30, 2007 – “Pressing the Hold-outs: The Desegregation Sit-ins of 1963-1964,” moderated by Sally Greene, Chapel Hill Town Councilwoman and adjunct professor of law at UNC. Wilson Library, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
  • Feb. 6, 2007 – “Speaking Out-of-Bounds: Communism, Race, Intellectual Freedom, and the Speaker Ban Controversy of the Mid-Sixties,” moderated by Ferrel Guillory, Director, Program on Public Life. The panel will include William Friday, who was president of the UNC system at the time of the controversy, and Lewis Lipsitz, an outspoken opponent of the ban. Wilson Library, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
  • Feb. 13, 2007 – “Stomping Down: The Foodworkers Strike of 1969 and the Black Student Movement,” moderated by Dr. Archie Ervin, Associate Provost for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at UNC. Sonja Hayes Stone Center for Black Culture and History, Seminar Room, 5:30 – 7 p.m.

Ideas of Karsarda and Galinsky (and others)

A is for Aerotropolis — or at least that newish word is the first entry in this year’s Ideas edition of the New York Times Magazine. UNC’s John Karsarda big idea (as well described here in a recent Fast Company article) that airports are the future of cities. Desirable and economic engines of the future that should be the center of our development; not noisy dangerous annoyances best placed on the distance edges and treated like a warehouse district.

As described here earlier, Adam Galinsky gets well deserved credit for discovering a secret of auction success – starting low price leads to selling at a high price in the same issue of the Magazine under the title (the titles are in alphabetical order) “Low Starting Prices Lead to High Auction Sales”.

Overall a great collection of ideas and a good read.

Jaron Lanier crabs about mobocracy in wikipedia calling it an example of Digital Maoism and warning about collectivism in the market place of ideas — no Hayakian, he.

Word of the Day – TransFatWa

Discovered or possibly imagined by David Harrison, a unrediscoverable headline reading “New York TransFatWa.” As in “New York City health authorities voted unanimously on Tuesday to ban the use of artificial cooking oils, known as trans fats, in the city’s eateries [actual wording in NewScientist]; in doing so they have declared a TransFatWa [imagined portion with great new word].

Carrboro Commons goes live

J-school colleague Jock Lauterer alerts us to the new Carrboro online/offline news — the Carrboro Commons. The Commons is a lab production, completely with cracking electronics and bubbling liquids I suppose, of Jock’s Community Journalism classes.

He writes: “A 12-page tab print version will be out later this week. Then next month, the Web-based Carrboro Commons will be released every other week throughout the semester. Once we have the user registration system set up, folks will be able to sign in and comment about individual stories.”

Cool News from McConville, Tyson and Newton

David McConville is back from Sao Paolo where he attended the Planetary Collegium. He sends a link that describes what’s doing on at the Collegium — it’s in Flash so I can’t link within the pages well… David and his dome will be at the AGU Meetings next week.

As Sally and a lot of other places have noticed, Tim Tyson was just awarded the 2007 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his book, Blood Done Sign My Name. Speaking of names, the Grawemeyer folks manage to credit Tim “Dyson” a couple of times at their website, but the prize of $200,000 will make up for that I’m sure.

Michael Newton was just awarded The NLS Saltire Research Book of the Year for the best book covering aspects of Scottish life: arts, education, history, science, etc. for his Dùthchas Nan Gàidheal: Selected Essays of John MacInnes.

Cory and Eben in the News

Eben Moglen and friends at the Software Freedom Law Center (see us in India here) gives a much needed smack to Blackboard, the education support system would-be-monopolist.

Cory Doctorow
writes in Forbes Special Future of the Book about “Giving It All Away” explaining “I’ve been giving away my books ever since my first novel came out, and boy has it ever made me a bunch of money.”

Both Eben and Cory have been ibiblio-sponsored speakers here at UNC.

Dean Jean (Folkerts) on WCHL promoting blogging

Our new J-School Dean, Jean Folkerts, is featured on WCHL 1360 in a story that announces a new blogging position in the School (I am on the faculty of the UNC J-School):

Academics at the UNC Journalism School will take a leap into the digital age with the addition of a teaching position centered on blogging and online news.

The school’s dean Jean Folkerts says the job listing signals how the mass media have changed in the past decade.

The creation of the online news position is among the first significant moves Folkerts has made as the journalism school’s new dean.

She says she wants the school’s graduates to be able to cross over platforms of old and new media, but she’s not straying from the school’s core principles.

Folkerts says creative production will be part of the professor’s duties, which could mean maintaining a blog or generating multimedia presentations.

The job description for our ” Outstanding Scholar in News/Online Journalism” is here

Next Week’s Speaks – Wizards, Weinberger and NCREN

The semester is winding down, but the speaking and speakers keep coming on. Next week, we have these events to look forward to:

  • Wednesday December 5 at 6 pmthe recently mentioned “Wizard People, Dear Reader.”
  • Dave Weinberger
    Thursday December 7 at 2 pm
    I get to welcome Dr. Weinberger to SILS and to UNC before his Henderson Lecture here on Thursday December 7 at 2 pm. Fred will to the introduction. I’m standing in for our Dean who has a conflict.

    The best part is that I get to invite everyone to a reception at the end of the talk. Be there to hear that.

  • NCREN logoFriday December 8 at 2:30 pm “ at NCREN” North Carolina Research and Education Network Community Day.
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