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Citizen Journalists capture tazering by UCLA cops

UCLA cops got very taser-happy on a student who didn’t bring his id to the library. Other students documented the nearly 7 minute torture show in which the victim with his hand handcuffed behind his back was zapped a reported four times (I counted 5) while begging for mercy. A single tazering immobilizes the target for 5 to 15 minutes, yet the taser-bearers demand that the victim “get up or we’ll do it again” Another student asking for the badge numbers of the campus cops is told she should shut up or she’ll “get Tased too.”
Read here in the Daily Bruin. Or watch the painful video on YouTube here.

1 Comment

  1. WillR

    I’ve started documenting cases of primarily police and government related sousveillance migrating to youTube . Though I think Brin’s posited future is creepy, the consequences of surveillance heavily weighted towards government/commercial sponsored misdeeds, I do find it somewhat encouraging that these vids are organically arising.

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