David McConville is back from Sao Paolo where he attended the Planetary Collegium. He sends a link that describes what’s doing on at the Collegium — it’s in Flash so I can’t link within the pages well… David and his dome will be at the AGU Meetings next week.

As Sally and a lot of other places have noticed, Tim Tyson was just awarded the 2007 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his book, Blood Done Sign My Name. Speaking of names, the Grawemeyer folks manage to credit Tim “Dyson” a couple of times at their website, but the prize of $200,000 will make up for that I’m sure.

Michael Newton was just awarded The NLS Saltire Research Book of the Year for the best book covering aspects of Scottish life: arts, education, history, science, etc. for his Dùthchas Nan Gàidheal: Selected Essays of John MacInnes.