Accept no substitutes

David Weinberger – Tomorrow at 2 pm in Murphey

Dave Weinberger
I get to welcome Dr. Weinberger to SILS and to UNC before his Henderson Lecture here on Thursday December 7 at 2 pm. I believe that Fred will to the introduction. I’m standing in for our Dean who has a conflict.

The best part is that I get to invite everyone to a reception at the end of the talk. You have to come to the talk to learn the location of the reception.


  1. Tessa Sullivan

    I really enjoyed his talk; he is quite the persuasive speaker. I know that it was recorded, will that recording be made available for the public? I’d like to listen to it again as there were some points he made that I’d like to be able to quote.

  2. Paul

    We’ll have a video up next week on the ibiblio speakers page. In the meantime, Simon has an audio of the talk up here.

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