Accept no substitutes

Everything is Alumni-ated

Carolina Alumni Review
The March/April 2007 Carolina Alumni Review is chock full of ibiblian info and pictures of a couple of us. Unfortunately, you can’t read it online unless you are a member of the General Alumni Association in which case you will have gotten a physical copy in the mail already.

On pages 100 – 103. “A Blog’s Life” and “Blog Savvy” include a lot of great quotes by Fred Stutzman as well as a wonderful picture of Anton “mistersugar” Zuiker and his daughter — and a box “Starting Your Own Blog” about Anton’s advice on blogging. Colleague Phil Meyer and Greensboro blogger Ed Cone are also amongst those features and quoted.

On pages 42 – 49. “Remixing Scholarship” is loaded with references to ibiblio — often in quotes from me — and to SILS and the UNC Libraries including old friends DocSouth. Helen Tibbo, Gary Marchionini, Jose-marie Griffiths and I all get to speak. Gary and I with pullout quotes. Jose and I with pictures. Natasha Smith also gets an action photograph. It’s a beautiful article and full of ideas about where libraries are going.


  1. david silver

    hmm, any chance you can scan and make available some of these materials? i’m really curious about the remixing scholarship article.

    paul, you should set up some kind of wiki that allows you to track ibiblio folks in the news. it would be interesting to chart the reach it and its peeps have had.

  2. Paul

    err. it’s all copyright of course. i could send you a copy tho. send me email with your address when you get a chance.

    the news wiki is a great idea. I’ve been using my resume more or less and fred has been using claimid.

  3. david silver

    it arrived! thanks. i’m planning a few days in santa cruz and this’ll make for some great coastal reading.

  4. Paul

    It’s brief and with big pictures so as to not distract you from the important local Santa Cruzian scenery ;->

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