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Good Thoughts and Prayers for Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth and John Edwards
In the past couple of years, I’ve been lucky enough to spend a little time, too little, with Elizabeth Edwards. I can say that at every meeting with Elizabeth, I was more and more impressed by her. She is intelligent and insightful and particularly kind. And I would guess patient.

Her book and her warmth supported others as did her involvement in groups both on the internet and around the world.

As many of you know, today we just learned that Elizabeth has had a recurrence of cancer. This time in her bones. Our prayers are with her and her family. (Leave messages for Elizabeth and her family).

1 Comment

  1. nathalie housset

    Dear Elizabeth,

    I am praying for you and your family so that you can continue to celebrate life the way you do. I have created a circle of prayer on so that others may offer their prayers as well. The circle of prayers is called United Women for Elizabeth Edwards — Fight Against Breast Cancer and Celebrate Life.

    Nathalie Housset

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