Accept no substitutes

International and Local

Whilst sitting at Weaver Street Market this morning, I noticed — couldn’t help but notice really — a young woman with a wireless laptop which had a small video conferencing camera attached. She was talking to her computer loudly as anyone who is indiscreet on a cell phone might talk in public or maybe louder. I think that she thought that language was providing some sort of privacy for her. She was speaking Chinese. Suddenly she stood up and holding the computer, she spun slowly around describing the scene revealed behind her. After that area around her table, including my table, had been aired, she turned the camera away from herself and began to walk into the store chatting away as she walked. I could see her passing the various vegetables and fruit inside pausing at various bins. Then I lost sight. But soon she was back at the table talking away. I don’t know which video conferencing program she was using. I didn’t ask. I do know that she was on the Carrboro Town Wireless Network and that she seemed very happy to be sharing her experiences with someone somewhere else who also spoke Chinese.
In so many ways this was the perfect Carrboro moment. Local, international, public, private, relaxed and intense.

1 Comment

  1. Jim Buie

    Thanks, Paul, for this anecdote. I took the liberty of posting it, along with a link to your blog, on my blog, at

    I’m always looking for anecdotes of how this technology is revolutionizing family life.


    Jim Buie

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