Intros by Cathy Marshall of Microsoft

Dan Clancy – Engineering director at Google Books
David Ferrario – NY Public Library (a Google 5 site)
Dan Greenstein – California Digital Library
Cliff Lynch – moderator; dir of CNI

Dan Clancy starts with an overview of Google Books. only 15% of the books are in print, but how to deal with the 85% that are out of print. The 15% is fine by the publisher since they hope to sell from that 15%. G5 = Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Michigan and NY Public. Everything — not just that that is “valuable.” Sample pages (from publisher); snippet (Google claims fair use); full text (generally public domain). “Scanning is the easy part.”

David F – about NY Public’s involvement in G5. Non-exclusive agreement to do comprehensive scanning of public domain materials only.

David Greenstein – about Open Content Alliance (note UNC is a member both the Libraries and the School of Information and Library Science). A bit about the formats that come with OCA including JPEG2000 and dejaVu files. Funding is different from Google that is smaller and more diverse and non-profit. More complex entity whose members embrace the “qualities of open.” All scanning of public domain works. 3rd party indexing is allowed by OCA and not by Google.

Cliff Lynch talks about some studies of the collections in G5. 430 different languages. only 49% English. This supported by Clancy and Ferrario.

Differences between working with Google engineers and Google lawyers are discussed at length… Research limitations are bring discussed. What should Google do to facilitate research in digital libraries? Tell Dave Clancy (he says). Greenstein says that public universities can’t possibly make all this available, but he’s mostly wrong says Clancy. Support is always an issue.

Open to audience. post-1923 stuff may be in public domain. what is being done to indentify that stuff? DG says nothing beyond the obvious (that being federal). Orphan works will be especially hard. DC says Google is in legation so they have a very conservative interpretation, but once they are done scanning that there will probably be more work on renewals and orphans. DF says NYPL same as OCA.

Linking, annotation, etc for adding value content? DC speaking as a researcher not as Google mostly restates the question (he admits). DF says NYPL wants to enhance the content. The G contract allows content sharing with places like the Digital Library Federation. DG notices that these mostly open projects are closed because some of the problems are too big to be gotten at. Orphans. etc. Persistance.