Accept no substitutes

Let Us Ascertain You!

About 100 are bloggers (including me) were surprised by an eVite to a “Triangle Blogger Community Ascertainment” to be held at the incredibly inconvenient time of noon on a Monday. The host, a local TV station.

I’m sure you mean well, but geez TV guys — Geeks want drinks! And those start after 5. Doncha know, we bloggers are still in our PJs at noon? And the colors of the invite listing are white on light tan; we can’t read our buds’ names there. Yikes!

And we are assured that whilst we are being ascertained that “These meetings will not be taped. Notes will be taken by our staff. Tours of the station will be conducted.”

As of this writing, the eVite has 1 yes (from the organizer), 5 maybes (from folks complaining about the time), and 95 not yet replieds.


  1. Jason

    The Real Paul Jones,

    I wanted to stop by and say a brief thank you for posting about our upcoming Blogger Meeting on February 19th. While I am not a blogger, I read them daily. I am excited to have the chance to meet and interact with you. We will be serving food and refreshments. This is without a doubt a learning experience and an adventure that I am excited to embark upon. We hope to host more of these and will do so on different days during different dayparts to allow as many bloggers, as possible, the chance to attend.

    I am open to any and suggestions. We simply want to interact with area bloggers and learn what we can do to help the local blogging community. It’s a chance to get to know each other in a casual setting.

    Thanks again!

  2. Paul

    No problem, Jason. I’ve blogged the invite above so’s that other bloggers can find it.

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