Elumenati and old buddy David McConville gets great Wired Blog attention at SXSW with the Elumenati Dome.

Napoleon Byars, my J-School colleague and former Air Force officer, has an opinion piece in The News & Observer today on the federal government’s effort to further restrict access to information called “Point of View: A move to seal up more information.”

Fred Stutzman
will be speaking at David Silver‘s Davies Forum: Digital Literacy at the University of San Francisco this Thursday March 13.

No sooner than I publish a little seven line poem about my friends the Seven Deadly Sins, than that Vatican names Seven New Ones! All this time, I thought Elvis Costello was right to sing “There’s no such thing as an original sin.” [list from our friends a Boing Boing]

Friends at the North Carolina Writers’ Network announce their new Joomla-powered website which is mucho more beautious and mucho more interactive. Nicki Leone did a bang up job on it from start to finish.

Friends from a distance, Will It Blend and Seth Godin, unite to make meaty and vegan Meatball Sundaes in honor of Seth’s new book.

Paul Wolfowitz tried to stick a friend of friend Dave.OfMassDistruction’s with his breakfast tab in Rwanda. Dave later got booked on the same flight home as Wolfie.

ibiblio, Eldritch Press, Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Salem Witches get some press love in “Salem Witch Judge and The Puritan Mind”