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Live on BBC Tonight – Jones and Blookers

See you tonight, Chris!
Just took an email from BBC Radio to do an on-air tonight at 10:45 EDT about the just announced Lulu Blooker Short List. Also scheduled to be on the show will be “My War: Killing Time In Iraq” author Colby Buzzell and “The Doorbells of Florence” author Andrew Losowsky.

Yes it’s the Up All Night – Pods and Blogs Show!


  1. WillR

    That’s funny, while I saw Jones and Blookers, I read Jones and Brookers.

  2. Eli James

    Dear Paul,

    I wanted to email you but i just couldn’t find a ‘contact Paul Jones’ link in your sidebar.

    I would like to hear to your opinion (as the head of the Blooker prize judging panel) on a discussion that is going on (accidentally) at my blog, Novelr, about the 2007 Blooker prize.

    The question was originally: Do you think that ‘blooker’ prize winners would have won the ‘Booker’ prize? If not, why?

    And now the conversation has morphed into that of whether quality literature off the web will emerge as the result of awards like the Blooker, or despite awards such as the Blooker. And it sounds simple, though the points presented are a lot more convoluted than that.

    Here is the link, hoping to hear from you soon.

    Yours truly, Eli James.

  3. Paul

    So I’m wondering what’s wrong with amateur writers. Julie Powell’s book got the kind of New York Times Book Review space that any writer would be delighted with. Cherie Priest’s book isn’t in the dominant genre — Zombie Gothic has its own set of fans. I can’t say much about this year’s Short List since I just got my first shipment on Monday, but I think that we can say that the Blooker celebrates a breaking of genres and of concepts of what good literature is and will become.

  4. Eli James

    Thanks, Paul. I’ll post up your reply in my blog.

  5. Paul

    I promise to get over to your blog and post there too. I’ve been doing more offblog the past couple of days.

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