Accept no substitutes


Just took a call from Charlotte Observer columnist and BBQ author Dan Huntley about the Moonshine site on

Back in 1997, I was teaching a class called “Cyberpublishing and Cybercasting” in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication here at UNC-Chapel Hill. I took the class up to the wonderful Southern Historical Collection and asked to them to create multi-media websites based on the rich collection of materials there.

Michael Manning, Eric Chernoff and Sarah Smith chose to work with materials about Moonshine in North Carolina including photographs, music and movie clips as well as a lot of great factual material.

For 1997, the site was pretty advanced and except for some visual design elements it stands up as a good and very useful and amusing site a decade later. Michael, Eric and Sarah did a great job. (I should check and see what grades they earned ;->).


  1. Wes Nagel

    HI, who was the columnist? I’m starting a co. called Mayberry Moonshine and I wanted to link your students website. Would you be willing to help?

  2. Paul

    Dan Huntley (as I say above in the article) is both the Observer columnist and the BBQ author.
    Linking is a standard thing to do on the Web; you need not ask permission. Thanks for asking tho.
    About helping: What did you have in mind?

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