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NC House Appreciates iBiblio

NC House Congratulations

This just in (click on image for a larger copy):

North Carolina
House of Representatives

Certificate of
Acknowledgement and Congratulations

Whereas, October 31, 2007 will be the 15th anniversary of the first public demo of, which is now known as; and

Whereas, the iBiblio website digital repository and community have become cultural treasures of the state of North Carolina, and

Whereas, iBiblio has played a pivotal role as both a medium and advocate for the free and open sharing of digital information.

Then, therefore this Eighth Day of March
In the Year of Two Thousand Seven,
Representatives Deborah Ross and Verla Insko recognize


For its commitment and contributions to technology and culture,
and to the North Carolina community as a whole.


Joe Hackney – Speaker
Attested by Denise Weeks – Principal Clerk
Representative Deborah Ross – District # 38
Representative Verla Insko – District # 56


  1. Cristobal Palmer

    Awesome! Even more reason for people to contribute to the wiki:

    Congrats all!

  2. kristina

    w00t! So cool. Congrats to you, Paul, and all ibiblians! πŸ™‚

  3. Gene Shackman

    Congratulations, for a job well done.


  4. BrianR

    Congrats Paul!

  5. Paul

    The congratulations here are not for me but for all the folks who have worked on sunsite/metalab/ibiblio over the past decade and a half including our great contributors — some of whom have been working with us for the whole time.

    And hey, help us plan to celebrate and for the next 15 years at the sunsite/MetaLab/ibiblio 15 Year Wiki

  6. WillR

    It’s a long way from the NeXT floptical sneaker net. Thanks for helping out this UUCP bound kid get “the monthly goodies” 20 years ago.

  7. Justin Watt

    Wow, a “cultural treasure” no less!

  8. Michael Czeiszperger

    Wow, that is impressive. Congratuations on 15 years, which is 100 years in internet time πŸ™‚

  9. Tom Linden

    Very cool, Paul. I’m thrilled that the state is recognizing the achievements of you and the others who have conceived and maintained iBiblio.

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