LiveJournal moves to Moscow:
Six Apart sells LiveJournal to Moscow-based SUP. Will Friendster soon sell to a Sao Paulo firm?

Seasons Greetings from McGuinn:
Roger McGuinn posting before a visit to Utah offers “O Come All Ye Faithful” for the Christmas season. Camilla blogs about the Rolling Thunder Review.

Reputation Economics at Yale:
“Symposium on Reputation Economies in Cyberspace” this week, which I can’t make but hope to follow, has a great list of participants

Bob Young Explained:
Roger Martin of the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business explains that makes Bob Young and Red Hat different thinkers and different actors in an excerpt from his “The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking” (Harvard, 2007).

Who Hates Tech?
PC World’s Mark Sullivan writes about The Most Anti-Tech Organizations in America. “These groups line up against tech interests in courtrooms and corridors of power across the country.”