After publishing a series of brief (15 seconds staged) confessions of email misuse on their YouTube site, the IBM Social Business folks compiled some of the better in the amusing 2 minute video above. The miscommunications, confessed by Gen-Xers of the most part, could have all been corrected by using something like say IBM’s Verse, a new competitor to GMail and Google Inbox.

There are some significant differences between Inbox and Verse worth mentioning. Verse is an analytic based work space aimed at enhancing your productivity across the enterprise. While Inbox too is an enterprise productivity tool, the Google solution is more aware of our messy complex and mobile lives. Note the difference in how each is presented. Verse on the desktop or laptop. Inbox on the phone. Verse about meetings and managing. Inbox about a varied life in motion. Your boss may buy Verse as an enterprise solution. You will sign up for Inbox for your phone.

Both only pick at the larger problem. As Luis Suarez has been saying “Think Outside of Your Inbox.” #noemail