School is back in session. My son is off to Serbia for the year. And the #noemail blog posts have slacked off a bit waiting for me to catch my breath.

I’m still panting but I want to quickly add a miscellany of very recent #noemail related articles (perhaps gist for blog posts later).

In NYTimes, Noam Cohen covers Navid Hassanpour’s (a political science graduate student at Yale) paper titled “Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary Unrest.” Hassanpour shows that turning off social media really aggravates rebels rather than disrupting them or quieting them.

At, Brian Solis writes of the “End of Social Media 1.0”. Solis is looking a new roles for brands as social media moves to the next stage. He ends “The end of Social Media 1.0 is the beginning of a new era of business, consumer engagement, and relevance. #AdaptOrDie”

The Next Web makes a spurious claim that there is a copyright held on the word “email” which was filed 30 years ago. Many subtle points of copyright law are skirted to get to a story that may be somewhat true. Even if a single non-unique, obvious and not completely original coinage could have been copyrighted rather than trademarked, it’s non-defensible. But here’s the article“Today is the 30th anniversary of the word ’email’ as copyrighted by this man”.

Comediva puts email aside and introduces us to G-Male — every girl’s dream or nightmare.

Read Write Web tells us of quick changes to the Facebook News Feed in response to the growing popularity of Google Plus and predicts that Facebook, using its deeper experience, could or should win the News Stream War.

In Atlantic Monthly, Josh Sternberg writes of “Social Media’s Slow Slog Into the Ivory Towers of Academia” featuring smart quotes from old pals, Howard Rheingold and Sarah (intelligirl) Robins.