What: Peg Leg Sam, Possum Trot, and PilebuttsFolkstreams.net at CRADLE Friday
When: noon – 1 pm Friday November 10
Where: 214 Manning Hall, UNC – Chapel Hill

Paul Jones and Kristina Spurgin will talk about preservation, digital preservation and access issues in Folkstreams.net, A National Preserve of Documentary Films about American Roots Cultures streamed with essays about the traditions and filmmaking. The site includes transcriptions, study and teaching guides, suggested readings, and links to related websites.

A recent award of a new IMLS grant will allow folkstreams.net to expand its collection of documentaries by 35 films.
Folkstreams.net will use also produce original material relating to the Folkstreams project, including:

. a guide to best practices in video digitization;
. video clips for the site’s Video Aids for Film Preservation section
. portals, guides and outreach materials for senior citizens and teachers.
