Accept no substitutes

PJ standing in for PJ

Last night, I stood in for Groklaw‘s Pamela Jones at the Louis Round Wilson Knowledge Trust Awards. PJ was taken ill at the last minute and since I’ve been accused of being her or of being half of her, I seemed like a natural standin for her. It helped a lot that PJ sent me a copy of her speech the night before. I’ll link to it once it’s up at the Knowledge Trust site.

Other Wilson Knowledge Trust Awardees were Brewster Kahle of, David P. Reed of Reed’s Law fame, Michael Jones of Google Earth, Tom Blanton of National Security Archive, Jeff Elkner of Open Book Project, Ryan Allis of iContact


  1. Ryan Allis

    Great to see you Monday again Paul.

  2. Paul

    A pleasure to see you get a well-deserved award there.

  3. Dan Morrow

    Pamela couldn’t have asked for a better representative. She wrote a truly gracious acceptance speech . . . and Paul delivered it with all the grace and passion it deserved. It was funny . . . and inspiring . . . and touching . . . and there were, at times, not just a few damp eyes noted around the room . . . Paul’s and mine among them.

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