Accept no substitutes

Podcastercon – aftermath

Podcastercon was a big success! We had about 300 people here and a good many of them over 1/3 from out of state; Brian was right when he wrote that Podcastercon was national (and he was writing early on in the planning).
The conference was indeed self-organizing which meant that I mostly dealt with securing buildings, getting tables and trashcans, talking to caterers and the like while the sessions were well run by the attendees and Brian could keep us all on track.
During the first sessions, I managed to visit both the Podcasting 411 session and the Advanced Podcasting session as well as having some chat time in the halls with folks that I don’t get to see enough, like Ed Cone, and folks I was just getting to know as the day progressed.
For lunch we experienced the Med Deli version of the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Brian’s order of good Lebanese finger food from domates to tzatziki to humas to salad and chicken skewers fed us all well.
In the afternoon, I got to parts of the Podcasting as a Teaching and Learning Strategy session lead by the talented teacher Dave Warlick and to Mur Lafferty‘s Women in Podcasting session. Mur had lost her voice which is a terrible thing for a podcaster to lose. I didn’t get into the Copyright Law and Podcasting session lead by Derrick Oien formerly of That room was way to full for me to slip in and hear what was up. But I heard great reports. Derrick certainly knows the consequences of running afoul of copyright laws.
The open sessions were a bit scattered in location and I was running one so they’re harder to mention (or to link to).
Overall, we had a great time. A very attendee directed conference in content and in tone — relaxed, welcoming, open to a variety of ideas and of people with no one feeling like she or he had to be a superstar. I think we stayed true to Brian’s ideals throughout and the result was a great feeling of comradery and shared success.
Dinner afters for some of us — many from out of state — was at the new Bon’s Home Cookin’ where we experienced such Southern food specialties as fried green tomatos, okra (fried or stewed with tomatos), pulled pork, fried chicken, field peas and corn and some very sweet desserts.


  1. Amanda Watlington

    Paul – Thanks for leading “the quest for bbq.” It was tons of fun. Can’t remember when I have had som many good laughs. Is there somewhere on the Web — 2 hour delay? Would love to hear it. Amanda

  2. Paul

    Sally posted Tucker’s mixes on her blog.

    Also see this related article on this blog.

    Next time Allen and Son will be open I hope, but Bon’s did fine for us this time.

  3. Elisabeth

    What an incredibly exhausting, thought-provoking, FUN day! I second Amanda’s thanks for the grand tour of NC barbecque. Someday, I need to record you telling the story of Bill, Mama Dip (?) and vegetarian bbq chef Bon…. along with the stories about Allen and Son. I was thoroughly entertained.

    My kids are grooving to Two Hour Delay, and inspired to do some tinkering with Garage Band again. Bravo Tucker!

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