Accept no substitutes

Signs, signs, signs

First there was my horoscope on Facebook with this warning: Working with computers will cause you some problems. This is not because of the technology but more because of the people you’re involved with. Opt for an old-fashioned way of doing something during this cycle rather than relying on inventions and modern gadgets, or worse still, people who promise a lot but deliver nothing.

Nice message to wake up to before giving a talk.

Then the storms. We have quit having rain in North Carolina. Of course I didn’t bring rain gear. Heck, I can’t even remember when I last needed rain gear or where I left my rain gear. I have no mental picture of rain gear. Another sign I was sure.

Then the set up of the room was too easy and too quick. I had kept my slides low tech and simple to be sure but it was all too easy. Now that’s a disturbing sign!

I met the former governor of Kansas who was also the Archivist of the United States. That was I think a good sign or was it a sign of how badly I was about to embarrass myself and my host?

As it turns out, the talk went well. I started and ended on time — always a good sign ;-> — and we had great questions and discussion afterwards.

On to meetings around campus for the next two days.


  1. Mark Wampler

    Mr. Jones, I am looking at you right now… as you speak to my class. I am the boy in the tan hooded sweatshirt typing on his laptop smiling at you.
    This is really interesting stuff, will you please replace Mr. Gould? Just Kidding.

    Your fan, Mark Wampler

  2. Mark Wampler

    Mr. Jones,
    You are wrong. Barbeque is Cow.

  3. Paul

    You are wrong on several counts. First you aren’t commenting on a BBQ related post. Second, you weren’t paying attention. I clearly explained: 1) BBQ is pork 2) BBQ is slow cooked not burnt 3) BBQ must be cooked over Hickory wood. The only point of debate is over the sauce.

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