What a busy day! Much more that I could do needed to be done. First off to church where Tucker as acolyte and a very literary and seasonally appropriate sermon included not only a reference to most of the mountain peaks of importance in Scripture but also a description of being driven up one by a one armed taxi driver and a reading of Hopkins’ “Windhover.”
Then Tucker to Odyssey of the Mind and Sally and I to the David Galinsky Memorial Service. Friends completely filled the School of Social Work auditorium for the service which included music from the Triangle Tuba Quartet and remembrances by David’s former students and collegues.
We missed the Steven Silverleaf art show opening at Tyndall Galleries.
Later, after picking up Tucker, we spent some time with the Galinsky family.
Then I went by the home of some friends who are members of a local Samba School who are revving up for Carnaval in the Brazillian style. I managed to catch a little of the jazz on WCOM as I drove and got to hear of little of Ed Paolantonio‘s in-studio interview with Melva Okun.
In my spare time, I finished the Sunday NY Times Crossword (only one cup of coffee needed this Sunday) and finished reading “Everything is Illuminated”