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Tibetans in Wired and Slashdot and more

Xeni Jardin has followed her NPR coverage of Wireless Exiled Tibetans to Wired News with an expanded story featuring Yael Ben-David and Phuntsok Dorjee.

That’s been picked up at SlashDot in the Hardware area where there is a lot of discussion of the wireless and of dealing with Bad Monkeys.

And of course she always covers her own articles over on boing boing which helps me find them.

By the time I get there they’ll be too famous to talk with me ;->


  1. James Cates

    Xeni writes:

    “Across the border from Chinese-occupied Tibet, the tech infrastructure in this high mountain village is a mess.”

    Wha? Of course the tech infrastructure is lacking! Calling it a mess is like
    calling water wet. It’s a given. Since it makes no logical sense to have to say that, it ends up coming across (IMO) as pretty snarky and elitist. But, I find that more and more to be the case as I read Boing Boing.


  2. Paul

    There are in fact mixed reports on the state of networking in Chinese-occupied Tibet. I can’t speak to that myself. Xeni has been there. I haven’t. And I’m not planning to go there at least this trip.

    You say “snarky” as if it were a bad thing. I think you might mean “Obvious” tho.

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