Accept no substitutes

TODAY at 5:30 pm – Dance for a Free-dancing Carrboro

I can’t dance (sang Tom T Hall) cuz I’m not in Carrboro but half way round the world. But if you are anywhere near Carrboro, you need to dance and you need to do it today at 5:30 pm EDT.

Just got this note from a number of friends:

It’s a Carrboro scandal…and Carrboro residents are dancing back…Wednesday, August 23, 5:30 pm…

Last week Carr Mill Mall manager Nathan Milian told Bruce Thomas, dancer extraordinaire, that he could no longer dance on the “private property” of Weaver Street Market’s lawn. Read for a more complete story.

Today, Weaver Street Market and Carr Mill Mall put out a press release with their “solution” to this PR fiasco: a new program called “Live on the Lawn.” These scheduled events will feature performers who apply at Weaver Street Market and are “approved” by Carr Mill. The press release says there “will be a limit of one performance per week per artist or group.”

Personally, I don’t dance once a week. I dance when I want to. I want Bruce to dance when and where he wants to. Please come help us make this point: TOMORROW, TODAY Wednesday, August 23, 5:30 pm.

Bring instruments. Bring your dancing shoes! Bring your friends.


  1. Patrick

    Flashmob:dance on weaver st lawn I say

  2. BrianR.

    One of the most positive community building events I’ve been to since I moved to NC. A huge reason why I love living around here. I don’t think I’ve ever cared about a place so much in my life. (Chapel Hill/Carrboro that is) Thanks for blogging about this from INDIA Paul! 🙂

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