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Tomorrow – Me at the Working Group on Expertise, Science and Democracy

Paul Jones

Sponsor: The Working Group on Expertise, Science and Democracy
When: Thursday March 8, 3:30 p.m.
Where: 118 Hanes Art
Who: Paul Jones, founder of and director of
What: “Participatory Digital Libraries – Past and Futures; the ibiblio trends”

Paul Jones, founder of and director of, will present “Participatory Digital Libraries – Past and Futures; the ibiblio trends,” in which he will talk about experiences and futures of Contribtor-run Digital Libraries and repositories, focusing on the ibiblio experience.

This will be an update of his paper “Open (source)ing the doors for contributor-run digital libraries.” Communications of the ACM. Volume 44 , Issue 5 (May 2001).[PDF]

Also you can hit my wiki and participate in the talk in advance.

If you prefer the Japanese language version of the ACM paper, here it is [PDF].


  1. Willi

    Thanks, Paul. Enjoyed it! I’m curious to hear more details about one of the anecdotes you related — will try to remember to ask you offline next time I see ya

  2. Paul

    You have my curiosity now. You’ll have to be sure to ask. I tell many tales and Simon can confirm most of them.

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