Luis Suarez (@elsua) and Claire Burge (@claireburge) today embarked on a series of vodcasts (video conversations0 via Google Hangouts and later available on YouTube on the subject of #noemail.

@elsua writes:

the series will talk about how to live a life at work without email and still remain as productive and effective, if not even more, as ever.

This first conversation sets some of the parameters for the discussion — how to work happier, more efficiently and without email.

One small niggle with @elsua which we may discuss when I visit in a future installment; he says email is okay, not that evil, and may not go away. Readers here will be aware that I take objection to all three of those claims so look for some lively interactions.

I should note that on February 15, 2015 @elsua will have been 7 years without email. I record I hope to match one day, but he does have a serious head start.