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Wish UNC were Here

Today’s NYTimes carries an announcement that 4 tech companies — IBM, Cisco, HP and Intel — have joined with 7 universities — Texas, Illinois, Stanford, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Rensselaer, and Georgia Tech — to agree to make software developed in collaborative projects freely available.
The article, and others based on the same press release, is short on details, but promises that there will be more posted later this week at the IBM Scholars site and at the Kaufman Foundation site now.

Listening to Sister Rosetta Tharpe 4 disk collection called “The Original Soul Sister.”

1 Comment

  1. Adam Constabaris

    Agreed, that would be a feather in the institutional cap. You may already know that we’re working on providing the software we’re developing over here in Knowledge Management under an open source license (we’ve hit a small snag, but I expect it will be worked out by early in the new year at the latest).

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