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v.out.ogr - Converts a vector map to any of the supported OGR vector formats.


vector, export, ogr


v.out.ogr help
v.out.ogr [-uascezpn] input=name [type=string[,string,...]] layer=string dsn=string [olayer=string] format=string [dsco=string[,string,...]] [lco=string[,string,...]] [--verbose] [--quiet]


Open an existing datasource for update
Append to existing layer instead of creating new if it exists
Skip export of GRASS category ID ('cat') attribute
Also export features without category (not labeled). Otherwise only features with category are exported.
Use ESRI-style .prj file format (applies to Shapefile output only)
Create 3D output if input is 3D (applies to Shapefile output only)
Export lines as polygons
Create a new empty OGR layer in defined OGR datasource and exit. Nothing is read from input.
Verbose module output
Quiet module output


Name of input vector map
Data source for direct OGR access
Feature type(s)
Combination of types is not supported by all output formats. Default is to use first type found in input vector map.
Options: point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face,kernel,auto
Default: auto
Layer number or name
A single vector map can be connected to multiple database tables. This number determines which table to use. Layer name for direct OGR access.
Default: 1
OGR output datasource name
For example: ESRI Shapefile: filename or directory for storage
OGR layer name. If not specified, input name is used.
For example: ESRI Shapefile: shapefile name
Vector data format to write
Options: ESRI_Shapefile,MapInfo_File,TIGER,S57,DGN,Memory,BNA,CSV,GML,GPX,KML,GeoJSON,Interlis_1,Interlis_2,GMT,SQLite,ODBC,PostgreSQL,MySQL
Default: ESRI_Shapefile
OGR dataset creation option (format specific, NAME=VALUE)
OGR layer creation option (format specific, NAME=VALUE)


v.out.ogr converts GRASS vector data to OGR format. OGR (Simple Features Library) is part of the GDAL library, so you need to install gdal to use v.out.ogr.

Supported OGR Vector Formats

ESRI Shapefile
Mapinfo File

For further available drivers go here.


By default, islands will appear as holes inside surrounding areas. To export areas with holes into, e.g., a Shapefile, and make the holes appear as filled areas, the flag -c has to be used.

The "-z" flag can be used to automatically export a 3D map to a 3D Shapefile, instead of setting the correct lco= option manually.


Export to Shapefile

Export lines from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:
v.out.ogr input=lines type=line dsn=lines.shp

Export areas from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format, converting islands (holes) to filled areas (generates /tmp/testogr.shp and related files):

v.out.ogr -c input=areas_islands type=area dsn=areas_islands.shp

Export 3D lines from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:

v.out.ogr input=lines_3d type=line dsn=lines_3d.shp lco="SHPT=ARCZ"

Export 3D points (e.g., Lidar points) from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format

v.out.ogr points_3d type=point dsn=points_3d.shp lco="SHPT=POINTZ"

Export 3D faces from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format:

v.out.ogr input=objects_3d type=face dsn=faces_3d.shp lco="SHPT=POLYGONZ"

Export 3D faces from GRASS vector map to Shapefile format, automatic 3D setting:

v.out.ogr input=objects_3d type=face dsn=faces_3d.shp -z"

Export to GML

Export lines from GRASS vector map to GML format (generates /tmp/testogr.gml file with layer 'testogr'):
v.out.ogr input=multi type=line dsn=/tmp/testogr.gml olayer=testogr format=GML 

Export to PostgreSQL/PostGIS

Export areas from GRASS vector map directly to PostGIS:
v.out.ogr input=polygons type=area \
          dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=postgis user=postgres" \
          olayer=polymap format=PostgreSQL

Export to KML (Google Earth)

Example 1 (Latitude-Longitude location):
Export faces (3D vectors) from GRASS vector map to KML format for Google Earth:
v.out.ogr input=buildings_3d dsn=buildings_3d.kml olayer=buildings_3d \
          format=KML type=face

Example 2 (Latitude-Longitude location):
Generate and export GRASS vector "asteroid" map (faces, 3D vectors) to KML format for Google Earth:

# near Raleigh (NC, USA)
g.region n=35.73952587 s=35.73279182 w=-78.68263928 e=-78.67499517

# two layers of random points
v.random -z output=random3d_a n=10 zmin=0 zmax=200
v.random -z output=random3d_b n=15 zmin=400 zmax=600

# merge into one 3D points map
v.patch input=random3d_a,random3d_b output=random3d

# generate 3D convex hull
v.hull input=random3d output="random3d_hull"

# export to KML 3D
v.out.ogr input=random3d_hull dsn=random3d_hull.kml format=KML \
          type=face dsco="AltitudeMode=absolute"

# now open KML file 'random3d_hull.kml' in Google Earth or NASA WorldWind or ...


OGR vector library
OGR vector library C API documentation


db.out.ogr, v.external,


Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
Some contributions: Markus Neteler, Martin Landa

Last changed: $Date: 2011-01-14 14:58:48 -0800 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) $

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