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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00052 May 2001

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It has been very interesting reading different
viewpoints presented by various learned people in this
group. (I do not tout myself as a very knowledegeable
person in the sastras vis-a-vis eating habits of a

Many things have been taboo for vaishnavas. But, times
are changing; and many of us have taken the liberty to
stretch the limits and cross the boundaries into
previously untreaded area. Some of us seem to have
also modified the tenets to suit our (today's) needs. 

One which immediately comes to mind is crossing the
indian shores which many of the learned people have
said was taboo. (I am sure many will argue for this.
But that is not the intent of this mail). Many of us
do so in search of employment/livelihood.

In foreign places, at times it is very difficult to
find "bhagavad prasadam" or "a decent fully vegetarian
restaurant". (A decent fully vegetarian restaurant is
not easy to find in the US). I am sure many of us have
faced this situation before. A McDonald's or a Burger
King seemed to be the answer "to satisfy hunger" (in
the event of not getting fruits at the minimum.) How
long can a person go without food? And fries (until
recently) meant just potatoes. 

Sri. Sudarsan has raised some very thought provoking
questions regarding silk, pearls etc. I have been
asked many a time whether there is not a double
standard in my vegetarianism - drinking milk, eating
milk products, wearing products made from
animals/insects etc. Can the learned members of this
forum provide some feedback on this or at least point
to where such information could be found?

Lastly, I am sure this forum was initiated for members
to present various views and learn more about our
tradition and culture. Of course, there are bound to
be differences and some people's viewpoints which
others think as taboo. But that is NO reason to ask
them to curb their views. It is within us to gain
whatever we can from this forum.

My $0.02.


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