
Depolito, Smith and Praino
Question Answer
What are Estuaries? Why are they such a critical and productive part of marine environments? Estuaries, which are found at the mouth of  rivers where they meet the sea, are an important part of marine environments. They are rich in nutrients,  help replenish oxygen in rivers and seas, and add nutrients and organic matter on bottom of the sea. Estuaries also act as nurseries for new and growing organisms. These areas are like safe havens with plenty of food for new organisms where they mature before "going into the real world."
Where is the Chesapeake Bay located? The Chesapeake Bay is located between Maryland and Virginia. The Susquehanna River empties in to the Chesapeake Bay and supplies most of its fresh water.
Describe in simple terms why estuaries are so productive and explain why they are so sensitive to pollution and excessive nutrient load. Estuaries are so productive because two different communities of organisms meet within them. Nutrients are  abundant in Estuaries because of all the run off that is carried down stream by the rivers. Estuaries are very sensitive to pollution, a good amount of any a foreign chemical can throw a whole community off. If any organism reproduces excessively or dies off, other organisms are affected because a food chain have been broken. Estuaries are always in constant danger of Eutrophication, human waste, and dumping from factories or run off from farms.


What are some of the commercially important species that the use the Chesapeake Bay Some commercially important species  that use the Chesapeake Bay are the Blue Crab, Oysters, and Shrimp. In the past the bay was also noted for Canvas Back ducks and Terrapins both were considered delicacies. Unfortunately both of these species were harvested to commercial extinction.
What is eutrophication? How does it occur. What are Algal and Bacterial blooms? Why do such blooms represent a threat to the fishing industry Eutrophication occurs when too many nutrients flow into a aquatic ecosystem, These nutrients can be either organic compounds or inorganic substances like phosphates or nitrates. These nutrients act as fertilizer for the simple bacteria and algae in the water. 

If there is an over supply of inorganic nutrients it will cause an algal bloom. Unicellular algae will multiply so fast that they will completely cloud the water. This can harm fish and shellfish and can kill off all of the  more complex bottom dwelling plants. 

If there is an oversupply of organic waste bacteria will bloom removing all oxygen from the water and killing everything.

What has been governmental response to protect Estuaries from Eutrophication. The Federal Clean Waters act and the Massachusetts Rivers Protection act and The Title 5 septic systems Certification, were all intended to decrease flow of man made pollutants into Marine and Aquatic environments. 
References: You should provide references for all of your answers and images.
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