Unit 1

Study Guide

I) What is Food? A.  What do we get from food? Answer
B.  What are nutrients? Answer
C.  What are calories? Answer
D.  Where does food come from? Answer
E.  Organic Molecules Answer
F.  Elements found in Organic Compounds Answer
II) Food 2: Where does it come from? A Autotrophism and Heterotrophism Answer
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Light and color  Answer
  3. Absorption Spectrum  Answer
  4. Deep water algae and photosynthesis  Answer

B.  Matter and energy flow through an ecosystem

  1. Tropic Levels and Tropic Pyramids Answer
  2. Producers Primary , Secondary and Tertiary Consumers
  3. Biomass, Dry weight
  4. Nutrient Cycles

The Nitrogen Cycle
The Carbon Cycle



III) Organisms A  Who are the Players???
B  Types of Autotrophism 
C Chemosynthesis-Photosynthesis  Answer
D Types of Heterotroph Herbivores, Carnivores, Saphrobes
E A Brief Introduction to Taxonomy
F Producers, Consumers, Decomposers


IV) Marine Food Chains A  Nutrients, Currents and Upwelling
  1. Upwelling caused by current and deepwater topography (info)
  2. Upwelling caused be wind (info)
B  Deep Sea Food Chains
  1. Light dependent organisms, Vertical Migrators, Gulpers, Angler Fish (info)
  2. Chemosynthetic dependent organisms, The Galapagos Rift (info)
C  El Nino (info)
D  Estuaries (info)
F  Kelp Forests (info)
References: Sites with good information,
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