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Re: Interesting agreement

> agree to indemnify FOXNews.com for any damages, costs or expenses it or
> its related companies may incur as a result of any claim that the image(s)
> infringe on anyone's rights

Thanks, Peter; this is indeed an interesting agreement.  I see this all
the time when people want to use our images, and send us their
agreement to sign, nine times out of the proverbial ten it includes a
clause that requires US to indemnify THEM.  This is red flag numero
uno to me; I refuse, categorically to sign any agreement that
indemnifies the patron.  Instead, our Permission to Publish form,
which they are required to sign, has a clause that states that THEY
indemnify US.  No sign-o, no phot-o; simple as an equation.  I'm not
about to sign something, as a sort-of, semi-official representative of
the University of Utah, that indemnifies a third party.  "Get real!" I
always want to shout into the phone; "l'm going to indemnify Time-
Warner?"  I always figure if that keeps them from using the
photograph in their work, it's their loss, not ours.

My cough and sore throat must be affecting my attitude this
morning!  Woulda stayed home 'cept I had to open, and I'm
goin'home after my desk shift, and after I disinfect the phone amd
the keyboard.


Roy Webb, C.A.
Multimedia Archivist
Special Collections
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 South 1500 East
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah   84112
(801) 585-3073  //  fax (801) 585-3976

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