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Re: Keystroke Loggers Save It,So Companies Can Peek Inside Employees' Heads

Rick Barry wrote:

> For those of you interested in privacy issues, there is a chilling front page
> story
> about keystroke monitoring software today's (7 Mar) Wall Street Journal, a
> few
> paras of which are quoted below.  These tools permit organizations to record
> every keystroke of every document, including the history of changes.  It
> isn't limited to email.  In one of the examples, it was a work in progress --
> a draft, reconstructed letter by letter, typos and all that resided only in
> the creator's PC.

If it is the case that such systems can be used to recreate documents (not just
count key strokes but tell what the keystrokes were) then any RM program that
company has is blown to hell as far as I can see.  All of this would be
discoverable and would be worse than having the original documents because you
would have all of the drafts.  Personally, I hope any company using this kind of
monitoring on a broad basis gets screwed.  This is Taylorism in all of its steel
mill glory.  Shovel that coal; hump that slag.  Maybe this kind of crap will
bring back the unions.  Dick (why don't you tell us how you really feel) King and
not the opinion of any of his employers over the past forty three years.
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