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Re: How Many Photocopies is too Many?

(Briefly I'll mention my displeasure at discovering that Friday happened
on Tuesday this week, which would generally not bother me except that I
missed it all by being out sick...)

I'll have to second Maggie's concern.  I have now sitting on my desk a
request to copy an entire collection.  Granted, it's not a large
collection (one full document box), but it is one of our premier

(To further complicate things, the request comes from a descendant,
though not the one that donated the collection.)

What ever came of the thread which discussed the "no more than 15% of a
collection" can be copied for any one individual, or something like

Holly Hodges

"Yax, Maggie (YAXME)" wrote:

> I have a related question regarding this issue that has bothered me
> for some time.  Maybe a discussion with you folks could help me sort
> out my thinking.
> We have a collection that is heavily used and photocopied into the
> thousands quite often by many patrons quite willing to pay into the
> thousands to have these copies made.  I keep thinking that we are
> somehow "selling" the integrity of this collection.  Added to this
> thought was a rumor a while back that someone was scanning the
> photocopies "bought" from this collection and putting them on the
> web.  While we were never able to find such a web site or verify this
> rumor, I found the mere possibility that this could happen quite
> disturbing.  I have been lobbying for some kind of policy to stop this
> practice, but haven't convinced folks yet that the money "earned"
> (although not really) isn't worth the risks, effort, etc. and that
> some kind of admittedly "subjective" policy is needed.  Has this been
> a problem for anyone else?
> Could we have some discussion about this?
> Many thanks,
> Maggie
> Maggie Yax, MLS
> Albert B. Sabin Archivist
> Cincinnati Medical Heritage Center
> University of Cincinnati Medical Center's AIT&L
> 121 Wherry Hall
> Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0574
> Phone: 513-558-5121
> Fax: 513-558-0472
> Email: Maggie.Yax@UC.Edu

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