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ICA Congress in Seville - Section for Archival Education Steering Committee elections

With apologies for cross-postings:

At the ICA General Assembly in Seville members of the Section on Archival Education and Training will gather together in their General Assembly in Seville in order to choose their new steering committee. Every member of the Section has the right to be a candidate or to candidate another colleague as a member of this leading body of the Section. It is customary for the outgoing Steering Committee to submit a list of ten candidates to the membership, in order to promote the election of a committee which is most likely to act successfully as a team, while representing members from all parts of the world. The outgoing president of the Section, Theo Thomassen, is pleased to invite archival educators and trainers to put forward the names of one or more colleagues qualified for the responsibility of membership of the Steering Committee. In addition, the Committee also requires a new President, Vice-President and Secretary. (please see below for the job specifications for these posts – the role of Vice-president is that of supporting the President, therefore no job specification is supplied).

In order to make a well-balanced choice for the officers’ posts, as well as for the rest of the Steering Committee membership, Please fill out and return the form below to indicate your support of any candidates from your own institution. We urge you to carefully consider what you can do to contribute to the work of this important international body. It is an opportunity for the individual candidate to make a real contribution to the body of research and knowledge about international developments in archival education and training. He or she will be able to feed back awareness of international work in the field to your faculty and to forge invaluable contacts with colleagues all over the world.








Section for archival education and training

_expression_ of Interest in Posts as Officers

or Members of the Section Steering Committee


Name of Institution:







Is your organisation able to support the candidacy of an archival educator for the membership of the steering committee to be chosen in Seville in september this year?

Yes  No 

If so, what is the name of this candidate? ………………………………………………...


Is your organisation able to cover the expenses involved in Steering Committee membership, primarily the costs of travel expenses for one administrative meeting each year in different parts of the world?

Yes  No 



Could your organisation provide other facilities in order to facilitate its candidate to execute his or her duties as a steering committee member? If so, please give details:

Yes  No 



Could the candidate of your organisation be considered for the post of President and if so, can your organisation provide the facilities a president needs(see the attached job specification for President of the Steering Committee)?

Yes  No 

Could the candidate of your organisation be considered for the post of Secretary and if so, is your organisation prepared to provide the facilities a Secretary needs (see the attached job specification for Secretary to the Steering Committee)?

Yes  No 

Has your organisation suggestions regarding projects it would like its candidate to manage if elected? Please give details below:




Do you have other suggestions regarding the steering committeee membership? Please give details below:






Please return this to:

Ms Margaret Crockett, Secretary ICA/SAE, 38 Lyttelton Court, Lyttelton Road, London N2 0EB, UK (tel: 44 (0)20 8209 1613; email: margaret.crockett@virgin.net)

NB: any queries may also be addressed to Ms Crockett






Section for archival education and training

President of the Steering Committee

Job Specification

Job Summary

The post of President of the Section on Archival Education and Training is a challenging and rewarding one. Under the ICA constitution the President must ensure that the interests of members of the Section are taken care of – this is specifically achieved by the President fulfilling his primary responsibility of ensuring the successful execution of the Medium Term Plan.

Qualifications and experience

  • Experience in provision of training for archivists and records managers: for example either professional development training or teaching on academic courses leading to professional qualification.
  • Good leadership skills: the ability to build a team of mixed nationality, with little opportunity to meet in person, and to encourage them to undertake projects to contribute to the work of the Steering Committee.
  • Excellent communication skills (the ability to speak one or more foreign languages is a definite advantage). Facility in relating to colleagues of many and varied national and cultural backgrounds is essential.
  • Excellent written skills.
  • Good organisational skills; sensitivity to cross-national and –cultural issues; good judgement of when to seek recourse from the ICA Executive.

Institutional Support

Employer’s support is vital for the President to function and discharge their responsibilities to the Section and the ICA Executive. This includes the provision of travel expenses for 2 meetings a year (annual administrative meeting of the Steering Committee and the ICA CITRA) as well as time for administrative and policy work necessary to discharge presidential responsibilities. Access to the email and the internet, fax facilities etc. are also a prerequisite.

Job Content

  • Directs the execution of the Section’s Medium Term Plan;
  • Decides agenda for annual administrative meeting of Steering Committee;
  • Works closely with Secretary to approve minutes, reports etc.;
  • Reports to ICA Executive;
  • Participates in annual CITRA meeting;
  • Responds to requests and direction from the ICA Executive;
  • Liaises with other ICA bodies, and external organisations as appropriate;
  • Liaises regularly with members of Steering Committee to afford support and encouragement regarding individual projects.









Section for archival education

and training

Secretary of the Steering Committee

Job Specification


Job Summary

The post of Secretary to the Section on Archival Education and Training is challenging and rewarding. The postholder works closely with the President to ensure that the Medium Term Plan is adhered to and successfully completed. The Secretary’s main responsibility is to ensure that the business of the Section’s Steering Committee is duly recorded and reported.

Qualifications and experience

  • Experience in provision of training for archivists and records managers: for example either professional development training or teaching on academic courses leading to professional qualification.
  • Excellent communication skills (the ability to speak one or more foreign languages is a definite advantage). Facility in relating to colleagues of many and varied national and cultural backgrounds is essential.
  • Excellent written skills.
  • Good organisational skills; ability to work on own initiative and with little direction; ability to judge when consultation with President of Section and ICA Secretariat is necessary.

Administrative Back-up

  • Financial support of employer including provision of travel expenses for annual meeting travel and time for administrative work necessary to discharge Secretary’s responsibilities;
  • Access to the email and the internet, fax facilities etc.;
  • Support of Section’s mailing list database;
  • Support of the Section’s website.

Job Content

  • Prepares papers for annual administrative meeting of Steering Committee.
  • In consultation with President, writes agendas for annual administrative meeting of Steering Committee.
  • Takes minutes of annual administrative meeting of Steering Committee.
  • Sends minutes to ICA Secretariat.
  • Provides ICA Bulletin editor with periodic reports of the work of the Section.
  • Writes correspondence as and when required.
  • Liaises with members of Steering Committee regarding status of projects and all work of the Section Steering Committee.
  • Maintains details of the membership and other archive schools throughout the world.
  • Communicates regularly with membership.