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Re: Local television collections

Hello Jessica--

We have a local television news collection here at the Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center that covers your date range.  What are the events you are looking for? 

I am going to try to attach our information sheet on the KCRA Film Collection.  Let me know if you can't open it.

Stasia Wolfe

Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95814


The Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center (SAMCC) houses material dating from before the Gold Rush.  Through the KCRA film collection, it preserves over 25 years of Sacramento and San Francisco Bay Area history, from the 1950s to 1982.  As an archives serving the public, SAMCC strives for the continued growth, development and preservation of its film collections.

Total footage (in black and white, and in color) is approximately 10 million feet of 16mm film.  The bulk of the KCRA Collection is television news reports, one to three minutes in length, followed by documentaries, commercials, and out takes.

To date, the KCRA Collection has supplied footage for several major documentaries, including "Eyes on the Prize," "Chicano!" "Berkeley in the Sixties," "Fight in the Fields," and "America's War on Poverty."  Footage from SAMCC's KCRA Collection has also been used in both network and cable television programs.

PROCEDURESTo answer KCRA film requests, SAMCC follows this basic process: researching to locate footage requested; providing a preview tape with time code; shipping the film to Monaco Labs in San Francisco for transfer to a Master in broadcast format; receiving payment, and signed license and indemnification agreements from the client; and releasing the Master to the client.  The following sections provide the details for each step.   

Accessing the Collection
By date.  News directors' cue sheets of the daily news films are available from 1959 through 1974.  The daily cue sheets are chronological and list the film titles that aired each day.  Since the collection currently has limited subject indexes, dates provide the best access to the collection.  Whenever possible, requests for footage should include a date.  

By subject.  There are three subject indexes: 1) a limited subject card index covers prominent news reports and documentaries; 2) a specials catalog notes about 200 documentaries and special reports; and 3) a specials index on database lists over 2,000 entries.  Some of the topics include: California political leaders, entertainment interviews, sports events, natural disasters, the Vietnam War, Caesar Chavez and farm worker protests, and the Black Panthers.  The specials database is searchable by date, subject, or title.

We provide summary lists of broadcasts/titles/subjects, either written or verbal, at no cost.  However, when we find a broadcast title in our indexes or database, this does not guarantee we will find the actual footage in the film collection:  some films have been removed or edited, or are missing.

If SAMCC locates film a client is indeed interested in, then the process is turned over to our archival film specialist.  Well experienced in film technology and vocabulary, our consultant subcontracts with us.  If an order for KCRA film is to proceed, the client must pay a minimum fee of $100.00 to the consultant.  The consultant will invoice you for services extending beyond this minimum of three hours and twenty minutes.

Film research
Clients may send their own researchers to view films and take notes with the film specialist; or, the specialist will view films and make reports to clients.  Because many films have not been catalogued in detail, verbal reports from the specialist that summarize the film(s) are most cost effective.  Transcripts of speeches, interviews, and press conferences are time consuming and thus more expensive.  All research assignments will be undertaken regardless of time required.  Appointments with the film specialist to view film may be made between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

Film that has already been transferred to videotape can be viewed on the premises free of charge during SAMCC's regular research hours.  To view the videotape, an appointment must be made with SAMCC's archivists, but no appointment with the film specialist is necessary. 

Transfer of film already on archival video costs forty dollars ($40.00) per thirty-minute preview tape.  Direct transfer of film to preview tape costs five to ten dollars ($5.00-10.00) per minute, depending on the condition of the film.  Preview tapes are SAMCC property and clients must return the tapes within fifteen days of the completion of their program(s).  SAMCC cannot release preview tapes until we receive a signed preview agreement from the client.

Masters of SAMCC films can be transferred to any format by Monaco Labs in San Francisco at the client's expense.  Information on their services and how to open an account is available by calling 415-864-5350.  Masters are SAMCC property and the client must return the Masters within fifteen days of the completion of the client's program.  Return of tapes and films is required to meet SAMCC's goals for film research and preservation and to maintain control over our collections.

Licensing is ten dollars ($10.00) per second, per market, per format, based on a one-time program use.  The licensee can rebroadcast the program without limit in the originally licensed market(s). However, any re-edit of the footage into a new program, or broadcasts into new market(s), or conversions into any other distribution formats, will require new licensing agreements and the collection of additional licensing fees.  

The minimum licensing fee is $150.00.   SAMCC will not release master material until the licensee pays this minimum fee.  In addition to the licensing fee, SAMCC charges a non-refundable $100.00 service fee.  SAMCC will calculate any balance due by the licensee upon completion of the licensee's program.

SAMCC cannot release master material until we receive a signed license agreement and a signed indemnification agreement from the licensee. 

The credit line for the collection is:
KCRA TV Film Collection, Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center. 

The licensee, at their cost, must provide SAMCC with a copy of the completed program to verify the use of SAMCC footage.  SAMCC will use the copy for non-commercial educational purposes only.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

For further information, contact SAMCC between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 916- 264-7072.

Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95814