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Re: Papers of Aaron Burr


    In 1978, the Microfilming Corporation of America published a microfilm edition of  The Papers of Aaron Burr 1756-1836.  One of our law professors, who is researching Burr, says this microfilm set is the most comprehensive Burr set available. The microfilm project published original Burr materials located in over 100 institutions and repositories.   According to the research guide, which accompanies the set (available from UMI), the following institutions have substantial Burr collections or significant Burr materials in other collections:

1.  New York Historical Society
2.  Historical Society of Pennsylvania
3.  Yale University
4.  Princeton University
5.  American Antiquarian Society
6.  Connecticut Historical Society
7.  New York Public Library
8.  Massachusetts Historical Society

    To find institutions which have the microfilm edition, look at OCLC record # 4834085.  In addition to my library, at least 101 other institutions have cataloged the microfilm edition, so an institution close to you may have a copy. Searching the internet using "Papers of Aaron Burr" also provided some helpful information.

    If you are unable to use a microform set, then perhaps the printed guide can help you locate Burr materials at an institution/repository close to you.  Good luck!

Joanne C. Vogel
Archives/Special Collections
St. Louis University Law Library

 I need to find primary sources on Aaron
Burr, the politician who shot and killed Alexander
Hamilton.  Does anyone know where any original
manuscripts, letters, memoirs, diaries, newspaper
articles written about him during his life or any
artifacts related to him, such as dueling pistols for
instance, might be located.  I would even be willing
to peruse any political papers or congressional
minutes as long as they are primary sources about him.