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Head Special Collections Processing and Metadata Services


Head, Special Collections Processing and Metadata Services,

The Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, seeks an experienced and creative librarian to provide leadership, technical expertise and management of processing and metadata services for the department?s archives, manuscripts, rare book, and digital collections. The department?s collections constitute an administratively integrated body of research resources of 250,000 printed books and more than 25,000 feet of manuscript and archives materials. Special Collections is actively involved in retrospective digitization projects, working within the Library's new structure for digital library development.  Directly supervises a staff of 4, including 3 librarians; supervises additional project staff as appropriate. This position reports to the Curator of Special Collections.  Responsibilities include:

Processing services:
·       Coordinates physical arrangement and description, processing, cataloging, and metadata services for the archival, manuscript, and rare book collections in the Department of Special Collections, including ongoing activities and gift- and grant-funded projects:
Oversees librarians responsible for arrangement, description, and cataloging of archives and manuscripts.

Oversees staff who provide bibliographical support services for rare books acquisitions and cataloging, which are performed in the Library?s central Information Resources Management Division; and for editing rare books records in conjunction with shelf-processing, circulation, and retrospective conversion record enhancement activities, which are located in Special Collections.

·       Works closely with the Associate Curator and the Processing Archivist to develop processing plan for collections. Insures effective utilization of staff for processing and cataloging activities.

·       Works closely with the department's Collection Development unit responsible for developing physical and digital collections and the Reader Services unit responsible for public services, exhibitions, and preservation to develop processing priorities and identify specialized access needs.

·       Manages grant- and gift-funded processing and cataloging projects.
Metadata services:
·       Works collaboratively with unit staff and colleagues in the Library's Intellectual Resources Management Division, including the Digital Library Development Center and the Cataloging and Preservation Departments, to develop schemes for descriptive, administrative and structural metadata for digitization projects drawing on Special Collections materials in all formats.

·       Provides leadership in devising metadata structures and search interfaces for representing relationships between digital surrogates and primary sources and digitized parts of larger collections of originals. 

·       Works collaboratively with unit staff and colleagues in the Library's Intellectual Resources Management Division, including the Digital Library Development Center and the Cataloging and Preservation Departments, to develop, test and implement search interfaces for Special Collections materials. Provides leadership in projects to extract records and information from existing metadata for departmental holdings to create specialized databases; and for maintenance and further development of standards and policies for online finding aids, metadata and access tools, including EAD, Dublin Core, and CORC.

·       Works collaboratively with the Library?s Information Resources Management Division, including the Cataloging Department and the Digital Library Development Center, to coordinate cataloging policies and practices and develop proposals for projects to enhance intellectual access to Special Collections holdings.

Department-wide responsibilities:
·       Contributes information on technical specifications, staffing and other needs to grant and gift proposals for processing and cataloging projects.

·       Serves as a resource for intellectual access issues within Special Collections, insuring that staff are informed of developments within the Library and profession pertinent to their work.

·       Serves as a member of the Special Collections Council, the department?s management group. Participates in Special Collections public services, including the department?s exhibition program and web site development.
        Graduate degree in library science, three years? experience with special collections cataloging and processing in an academic research library.
        Knowledge of MARC-21, AACR2rev, LC classification, LCSH, EAD/DTD, APPM, DCRB, Dublin Core, CORC, and other metadata standards and access tools,

        Working knowledge of a range of Western European languages, preferably including Latin; supervisory experience.

        Library automation experience and strong computer skills, including familiarity with OCLC; working knowledge of Microsoft Office; skill in use of the Internet and related cataloging resources.

        Demonstrated strong commitment to continuing education in cataloging, technical services, and library issues.
        Initiative in the approach to responsibilities, effective problem solving and decision making skills, judgment and discretion, excellent communication skills including ability to interact with donors, as well as the ability to work effectively and collegially across units and departments.

        Project management and grant-writing experience preferred, as is a strong background in the humanities or social sciences.

SALARY AND BENEFITS: Appointment salary based on qualifications and experience.  Benefits include retirement plan, health and life insurance, and paid time off.  There is tuition plan for college age and younger children.

APPLICATION should include resume and names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references.  Review of applications will begin upon receipt and continue until the position is filled.  Applications received by June 1, 2001, will be assured consideration.  Preliminary interviews may be scheduled at the annual American Library Meetings in San Francisco.  Applications may be sent by e-mail to
personnel@lib.uchicago.edu, attention of Denise Weintraub.  Applications may also be sent to the Personnel Office, The University of Chicago Library, 1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637. 
For further information about the University of Chicago Library and Special Collections see: