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Re: Memorial Day, D-Day and World War II stuff

Definitions from the following site http://www.yourdictionary.com/
Main Entry: D day
Etymology: D, abbreviation for day
Date: 1918
: a day set for launching an operation; specifically : June 6, 1944, on which Allied forces began the invasion of France in World War II
Main Entry: 1de.bark
Pronunciation: di-'bärk, dE-
Etymology: French debarquer, from de- + barque bark (ship)
Date: 1654
- de.bar.ka.tion /"dE-"b@r-'kA-sh&n/ noun
Main Entry: dis.em.bark
Pronunciation: "di-s&m-'bärk
Etymology: Middle French desembarquer, from des- dis- + embarquer to embark
Date: 1582
transitive senses : to remove to shore from a ship
intransitive senses
1 : to go ashore out of a ship
2 : to get out of a vehicle or craft
- dis.em.bar.ka.tion /(")di-"sem-"b@r-'kA-sh&n, -b&r-/ noun

H-Hour generally refers to the time when the operation will begin. It is not necessarily confined to invasions. Hopefully Paul Scott will chime in with the correct military definitions. Take it away Paul!

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Manager, Records Management Group
Woodside Summit Group Inc
Midlothian, Virginia
Office: 804-744-1247 x23
Fax: 804-744-4947