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Re: A rose by any other name? I don't think so!

In that situation, I usually say librarians and archivists are related. We operate out of similar mindsets, appraise, collect, preserve, create finding aids, etc. However, I also point out that our collections vary significantly, content, shape, size, all those things. The important point, I think, is to counter the "subset" mentality. Archivists parallel librarians but are not subservient (right!?)
Thelma Boeder, archivist
MN Annual Conference, United Methodist Church
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:57 AM
Subject: A rose by any other name? I don't think so!

Hi all.
I thought I'd toss this one out to you since we've been without a discussion thread for a bit and since I'm completely peeved at the moment.
I had an experience yesterday when someone--uninformed about libraries and archives--asked me if archivists were a subset of librarians.  As I answered, "No, they are different."  I was countered by two librarians who chimed in and offered, "No, they're essentially the same thing."  As we were in a meeting, I was unable to call these individuals on the comment, but . . .
My question for my fellow archivists out there is this:  Do you see yourself distinct from librarians?  And (I'm certainly assuming so) how would you counter that comment?

Susan Hamson

Othmer Library of Chemical History
Chemical Heritage Foundation
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