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Managing Electronic Records (MER-2001) conference

Dear Colleagues: Please forgive cross postings of this announcement of the
upcoming .  Bob Williams, President of CohaManaging Electronic Records
(MER-2001) conferencesset Associates, Inc. has asked me if I would post it to
this list.

I can add my own unsolicited testimonial about this conference: in my
opinion, MER remains the best of breed conference in the electronic records
arena. If you go to the conference homepage
http://www.cohasset.com/mer/index.htm and select the Sessions page, you will
probably experience the same difficulty I did in making pics among the
concurrent sessions because of the wide range of timely topics that it
covers. I was especially pleased to see such topics as website records
retention; encryption as it applies to recordkeeping; pros/cons in the use of
ASPs (applications service providers) for recordkeeping; e-privacy;
recordkeeping in a regulated environment; an update of NARA's pioneering
virtual archives research project for massive e-records systems; electronic
evidence discovery; lowering the risk of litigation and preparing for it if
it comes; and several practical case studies in various areas of electronic
records management, as well as some excellent looking pre-conference
workshops and exhibitors. Having been to several of these, I can also note
that the networking and -- most unusual for conferences -- the reception
venues and gastronomic offerings leave little to be desired.


Rick Barry


MER 2001 Program Announcement

As Co-Chair of Cohasset Associates’ National Conference on Managing
Electronic Records (MER), I am pleased to announce that this year's program
will include:

§ 40 outstanding speakers,
§ 27 informative sessions,
§ 4 in-depth all day pre-conference tutorials and
§ A truly extraordinary keynote address.

In addition, there will be two of the Mer's highly successful Networking
Receptions and twelve problem-solving vendor exhibitor suites.

Full details about the complete conference program all of the individual
conference sessions are available at http://www.cohasset.com/mer/index.htm

The dates for the MER 2001 are September 24-26 with the pre-conference
tutorials on the 23rd.  The conference will be held in downtown Chicago at
the Michigan Avenue Westin hotel on the famous ”Magnificent Mile.”

At this year's MER conference, special focus will be given to the problem of
electronic evidence discovery.
  This will be highlighted by the Keynote
Address, Electronic Records Discovery: The Challenge of the Legal, Technical
and Operational Issues
.  The Keynote Speaker will be the renowned Professor
of evidentiary law at the Harvard Law School, Charles R. Nesson, Esq.

Since 1976, Professor Nesson has been one of the primary moderators on the
Fred Friendly series, The Constitution: That Delicate Balance that have been
so successful on PBS television.  This year's MER Keynote will emulate the
format of those broadcasts.  Professor Nesson will guide a distinguished
panel of knowledgeable leaders as they work their way through a specific
hypothetical electronic records discovery problem – one that will be laced
with many of the critical legal, technical and operational problems faced in
the real world today.  The specific participants on the panel will be
announced shortly in a future MER mail.

This years MER conference program also will include additional sessions
addressing electronic records discovery issues:

§ Surviving the High Risk Game of Digital Discovery,

§ Electronic Records Discovery: Why the Problem is So Significant and
Guidance on Addressing Proactively the Special Issues it Creates in the
Litigation Process

§ Electronic Records Management and Civil Litigation: What the Courts Expect,

§ Avoiding a Trial Within a Trial: The Evidentiary Benefits & Business
Implications of Write-Once-Read Many (“WORM” Storage for Records Management)

§ The Continuing Impact of Electronic Discovery.

There will be many other informative leading edge sessions. Those topics

§ The Issues and Challenges of Website Records Retention,

§ A Look to the Future: The Factors Driving ERM Software Changes,

§ Using Encryption to Better Manage Electronic Records: New Ways to Address
Two Significant ERM Problems: e-Mail Copies and Protecting Evidence

§        Two new Approaches fro Successfully Managing e-Mail.

And for those just beginning the management of their electronic records,
there are helpful how-to-do sessions.  They include:

§        Applying Records Management Principles to Official Electronic

§        A Judge's Practical Perspective on the Legal Issues Relating to
Electronic Records Management,

§ Managing Electronic Records: A Project Check List and

§ Enterprise Profiling: A Strategy for Enterprise Document and Records

Many electronic records management case studies also will be presented
including pioneering efforts from: Microsoft, the Central Intelligence
Agency, the State of Delaware and Seagate Technologies.

This is the ninth year that Cohasset Associates has sponsored the National
Conference on Managing Electronic Records.  The MER is a limited registration
conference that has been sold out every year.
Early registration is strongly

In addition to the conference program, MER attendees will have an opportunity
to meet with many of the leading vendor solution providers who will be
in suites at the conference hotel.  They include:

Most members of the Records Management List (RECMGMT) will receive a MER 2001
color brochure
this week.  If you do not receive the brochure, you can
immediately find detailed information about the MER 2001 conference by
visiting the conference web site: www.cohasset.com/MER or call 800.200.7667
for a conference brochure.

For the four hundred registrants each year, the MER provides innovative and
solutions through:
§        The knowledge imparted by internationally renowned experts;
§        The latest experiences of leading users; and
§ The presence of select exhibitors who offer quality solutions to a spectrum
of electronic records management issues.

The MER conference has been an extraordinary success for leading
professionals to attend! From the combined evaluations from the past three
, the success of the MER is clear!

§        98.7% of the registrants evaluated MER as Excellent,Very Good or
§        97.3% of the attendees “would recommend this conference to others”;
§        93.8% of those attending believed that “the MER was a good value.”

The Mer's success is the result of Cohasset Associates’ ongoing commitment to
having the MER be a truly exceptional professional experience where:
§        Consistent quality can be assured in the content of its formal
§ Real personalization is guaranteed due to the conference's limited size and
special networking opportunities; and
§ Problem-solving answers are provided by the select exhibitors that
participate, the fellow users that attendees meet and the distinguished
speakers that registrants hear.

The MER Conference is held annually in Chicago at the downtown Westin hotel
located on the world-famous “Magnificent Mile,” the most renowned part of
Michigan Avenue -- between the Chicago River and Oak Street. Many regard this
extraordinary venue as “New York's Fifth Avenue and Beverly Hills’ Rodeo
Drive rolled into one.”
With its unique location, the MER conference offers participants easy access
to an extraordinary selection of restaurants and outstanding specialty stores
as well as nearby cultural centers for music, art and theater.

To register for the MER conference, you can use the registration form in the
color brochure or you can download a registration form from the MER website:

Send a team and you can save money! There is a 10% registration discount for
all teams of three or more registrants.  This discount applies to both the
conference and the pre-conference tutorials.  Also, save money on the special
Westin hotel MER Cohasset conference rate. For hotel reservations, contact
the Westin directly at 312.943.7200.

If you have any questions about MER, please contact the MER Conference
Administrator, Chris Glatz at 800.200.7667 or, for international callers,

Phone: +(312) 527-1550; Fax: +(312) 527-1552.

Robert F.Williams
2001 National Conference on
Managing Electronic Records

Cohasset Associates, Inc.
3806 Lake Point Tower
505 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611


TEL: (312) 527-1550
FAX: (312) 527-1552
