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SAA on C-Span

Dear All:

There have been several inquiries recently regarding the airing of SAA annual
meeting sessions on C-SPAN.

Session #24 (Panama Records) and session #37 (Birmingham/Civil Rights) and
the closing plenary session, featuring Steve Hensen's presidential address
and a presentation by Andrew Carroll who wrote "The War Letters," were taped
by C-SPAN.   The airing schedule can be found by conducting a name search
from the home page, www.c-span.org, using the presenters' first and last
names.  The last time I checked, sessions #24 and #37 were aired twice, and
are not scheduled to be aired again. A copy of the session tape can be
purchased for $19.95 each from C-SPAN's web site.

Audio tapes of the annual meeting sessions can be purchased by contacting
Steve Martin at Convention Recordings, 727-345-8288.  The order form should
be posted on SAA's web site, www.archivists.org, in the very near future.

Many thanks for your interest.  

Debbie Nolan
Debra Mills Nolan, CAE
Meeting Director, Society of American Archivists
(561)745-8353, (561)745-8354 fax, www.archivists.org
DNolan@archivists.org or DebNolan@aol.com.

Mark your calendar for the 2002 Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting
to be held August 19 - 25, in Birmingham, AL, at the Birmingham Sheraton.  
The theme is "Archival Roots: Our Foundation and Our Future."  Session
proposals due October 6, 2001.

SAA Mission Statement: The Society of American Archivists serves the
educational and informational needs of its members and provides leadership to
ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the nation's historic