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Re: Certification

Just to correct a misapprehension:
You do not have to take the test again to recertify; you may recertify by petition. From the Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA) website--"Recertifying by petition uses a point system to reward experience, continuing education, and contributions to the profession. ... Recertification by petition provides the only professional forum for recognizing and rewarding the normal professional activities in which archivists routinely engage." ARMA uses a similar method for recertification, as I understand it. Also, there is no recertification fee.
The _ACA Handbook_ includes sample questions. For more information, visit the ACA site at http://www.certifiedarchivists.org/  Hope this helps.
Jim Cross, C.A.
Manuscripts Archivist
Special Collections
Clemson University Libraries
Clemson, SC  29634
At 01:19 PM 10/10/01 -0400, Alex Rankin wrote:
....  It seems to me that once an Archivist has passed the exam, and have been working in the field,  why would they need to retake the test?  Is it to "reprove" to the professional world that they still know what they are doing?  Which reminds me,  does anyone know if there is a "practice exam" that a perspective Archivist could look at before they pay the money and sit down to take the test? ....
Alex Rankin
Boston University

the content of this message are from the author only and do not reflect the ideas or positions of Boston University

"Hamson, Susan" wrote:
....And the question of money always makes me skeptical.  I pay $50.00 to apply to the exam.  If I pass I pay $150.00 and then I pay $50.00 every year thereafter.  In five years I pay $50.00 to take the exam again and so on and so on.... Susan---
Susan Hamson
Othmer Library of Chemical History

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