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Re: Certification

I wonder if anyone has seen a benefit, outside of the prestige of Professionalism, to retaking the exam.  It seems to me that once an Archivist has passed the exam, and have been working in the field,  why would they need to retake the test?  Is it to "reprove" to the professional world that they still know what they are doing?  Which reminds me,  does anyone know if there is a "practice exam" that a perspective Archivist could look at before they pay the money and sit down to take the test? I have a few individuals that are in the middle of getting their degree and want to know if a practice exam exists.
I hold two certifications (see below) The key to both certifications is continuing education. I attained the CRM designation in 1988 and the CA in 1992. The CRM was a much harder designation to attain and to maintain. To learn more about it and to compare  to the two see the following websites http://www.icrm.org and http://www.certifiedarchivists.org
Compare the testing, the certification maintenance programs and the qualification process.
There are currently about 35 individuals who hold both the CRM and CA designations.
Recently Ray Cunningham presented a session at the ARMA conference on professional certification. If he is monitoring the list he might be able to expound a bit on it.
Personally I found that the various certifications have done me more good than harm.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Manager, Records Management Group
Woodside Summit Group Inc
Midlothian, Virginia
Office: 804-744-1247 x23
Fax: 804-744-4947