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Re: Certification

Ditto re University of Hawaii Library requirements for the MLIS.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Jim Cross wrote:

> Daniel's statement (see below) on the willingness of employers to look at
> an MA even when they ask for an MLS might not be true at an academic
> institution where librarians have faculty status. Here at Clemson you
> *must*have an MLS (or equivalent) to be a member of the Library faculty; it
> says so in the Bylaws. I can attest from being on several search committees
> that non-MLS candidates are routinely disregarded. And believe me, we
> archivists here have tried to get this changed in the past so MA's could be
> considered, only to be rebuffed. I doubt that even an MAS would pass
> muster. How's *that* for elitism?  :-)
> Jim Cross
> Manuscripts Archivist
> Special Collections
> Clemson University Libraries

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