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Digital Preservation

The following is posted from the Archives-NRA list with permission.

The webpages for JISC Digital Preservation Focus have been extensively expanded and  updated and are available from:

Amongst the additions are a report on "Records Management in JISC funded Projct-Based Programmes" and "The JISC Records Management Policy Statement June 2001". Both documents are likely to be of interest to administrators and managers in funding councils,  who face similar issues to the JISC or HE and FE institutions who are interested in implementation of  FOI/records management in the HE/FE sector.

New and amended pages are as follows:

home page: Preservation (updated)

Why digital Preservation (New)

About JISC Digital Preservation Focus (updated)

The JISC Digital Preservation Strategy (New)
     -The JISC CEI Interim Preservation Strategy 1998-2001 (New)
     -The JISC Records Management Policy Statement June 2001(New)

Development Programme (New)
     -Development Programme August 2001- July 2002 (New)
     - Preservation Management of Digital Materials:a Handbook - order form and reviews (New)
     -Records Management in JISC funded Projct-Based Programmes (New)

Digital Preservation Coalition (New)

The Digital-Preservation List (New)

Contacting JISC Digital Preservation Focus (updated)

JISC Digital Preservation Links (New)

Comments and feedback on the new pages are welcomed.


Neil Beagrie                         JISC Digital Preservation Focus
Assistant Director                Secretary, Digital Preservation Coalition
JISC London Office,              Tel/Fax/Voicemail :+44 (0)709 2048179
King's College London          email:       preservation@jisc.ac.uk
Strand Bridge House            url: www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/preservation/
138 - 142, The Strand, email list:  www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/digital-preservation
London WC2R 1HH     