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Grants to Researchers

Soroptimist Archives Visiting Researcher Program
The Soroptimist Archives will offer travel and lodging grants to researchers who would benefit
from using the collections at the Soroptimist Archives.  Students pursuing a graduate level degree,
post-doctoral and independent researchers are encouraged to apply.

About the Soroptimist Archives
The Soroptimist Archives was established in 1993 as Soroptimist International of the America?s
75th Anniversary project. The Archives contains over 300 linear feet of documentation on
Soroptimist International of the Americas and its two affiliates?The Soroptimist Foundation and
Venture Clubs of the Americas?including the archives of each organization as well as manuscript
collections, oral history interviews, and artifacts.

Soroptimist and research
The documentation in the Soroptimist Archives will support a myriad of research topics in
women?s history and women?s studies, including:
* women and volunteerism (in local communities and internationally)
* advocacy for women
* women as funders and organization leaders
* women in business and professions
* women in service partnerships with other agencies and organizations
* biographical research on Soroptimist members.

2002-2003 Grants
For the 2002-2003 cycle, the Soroptimist Archives will grant up to $1,000 for traveling and
lodging expenses to applicants from the United States and Canada; applicants from other countries
may be granted up to $1,500 in recognition of increased travel costs.  Researchers will receive
funding in person during the research visit to the Soroptimist Archives.  Research must be
conducted within one year of notification of funding.

All applicants are required to submit:
?an introductory cover letter (please note any previous research into Soroptimist, volunteer, and/or
women-focused topics) with applicant?s address, phone numbers, and email address
?a brief budget showing the travel and lodging expenses for which support is requested and
estimation of funding needed
?a two-page description of the research project which should address:
topic, scope, and date span; what Soroptimist Archives collections or types of materials will be
used and how they would benefit your research; other collections used; other funding awarded for
project; anticipated length of stay at the archives (up to 2 weeks); intended use of research
(article, dissertation, film, thesis, etc.); expected date of project completion
In addition:
?graduate students must submit a letter of recommendation from their advisor or project director
?post-doctoral and independent researchers must include a curriculum vita

The deadline for application is March 15, 2002.  Recipients will be announced in late April

Please note:  The Soroptimist Archives will be closed to researchers Thursday, July 11 through
Friday, July 26, 2002.

Applications and requests for additional information should be directed to:
Lisa Mangiafico, Archivist
Soroptimist International of the Americas
Suite 1000, 2 Penn Center Plaza
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1883
(215) 557-9300  FAX (215) 568-5200
email:  lisa@soroptimist.org