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Re: Processing question

Daniel Sokolow's question incuded the following point:

> anyone interested in the individual facility will naturally
> head to that collection.  I understand that the function
> lies with the central office, but it just doesn't seem logical
> to approach a search for information about a specific facility
> under the files of the central office.

I posted my thoughts directly to Mr. Sokolow, but I thought one
point might be of interest to the group as a whole. Not meant in
any way to be a critique of one solution or another, rather a potentially
useful point to consider if faced with a similar decision.

What about researchers interested in examining a larger picture?
(i.e. studying the PR department, or system-wide communications, etc)
Will a solution based on facilitating ease of use for one subset of
researchers will make it more difficult for another subset?

Craig Wright
Curator of Manuscripts
Minnesota Historical Society

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