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RAIN 11/14: "Retain these records forever", Como's Gold, Orange paint

There are 16 stories in this posting.

InternetWeek 11/13/01
Army takes recruitment online

by L. Scott Tillett
The U.S. Army Recruiting Command this month will begin testing an Internet application to better manage information on recruits and military personnel. The goal is to move from inefficient paper processes to an automated system for gathering, storing and sharing personnel information.

Reuters 11/12/01
Security trumps privacy, online and off

by Eric Auchard
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Statue of Liberty stands gracefully alone in New York Harbor, averting her gaze like many New Yorkers from the ghastly site of what was once the World Trade Center.
The statue, a symbol of America's open society, is closed to visitors for now, a victim of the trade-off between personal freedoms and domestic security -- a trade-off that has far-reaching implications for the technology industry.

Columbia Daily Tribune 11/12/01
Recorder prepares officials for deed changes

by Didi Tang
Real estate deeds in all Missouri counties will have to be reformatted beginning Jan. 1 to comply with new state laws.
"It is a positive change in the industry," Boone County Recorder of Deeds Bettie Johnson said. "It'll save time and resources in verifying the documents."

Scripps Howard News Service 11/13/01
Save those records - just in case

by A.J. Cook
- Those boxes of old tax records sitting on a closet shelf or in your attic - want to get rid of them?
Wait at least six years. And keep some forever.
You keep records, gathering dust and taking up space, because the Internal Revenue Service might challenge reported income or deductions. And the burden of proof lies with you - in those boxes.
Retain these records forever:

Miami Daily Business Review 11/13/01
Como's Son: Keep gold records in the family

by Larry Keller
If you were hoping to snag some Perry Como memorabilia once his daughter and a son finish fighting over his estate, you may be out of luck.

Web Reference 11/13/01
Living documents with XML events

Most documents today are living documents in the sense that they are constantly updated and never finished. With the advent of HTML and Web browsers documents became also living in that they can interactively respond to events. Now this kind of life comes to XML documents with the newly standardized XML event handling...

National Post 11/13/01
New software to aid online retailers with Web privacy problems

by Jill Vardy
Financial Post
OTTAWA - Online retailers, already facing a weak economy and nervous consumers, have another problem this holiday season -- new privacy features in Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer 6.0 Web browser may interfere with the operation of their Web sites.

New York Times 11/13/01
European Union set to vote on data law

by Paul Meller
Brussels, Nov. 12 --European Union lawmakers are expected to ignore a request by the Bush administration to revise a data-protection law they are drafting to allow the authorities greater access to information about telephone calls and Internet messages.

New York Times 11/12/01
Software helps workers start - and finish

by John Schwartz
Smart security experts often say they do not worry as much about hackers as about disgruntled insiders who might commit acts of sabotage against their company's computers. One of the quickest and easiest ways to upset employees is to give them pink slips - and there are plenty of those going around lately.
Business Layers, a two-year-old software company in Rochelle Park, N.J., says it has a way to keep employees from firing digital parting shots.

Associated Press 11/13/01
Records show Cubans bungled mission

LONDON (AP) - A group of poorly trained Cubans bungled a Nazi sabotage mission into Britain during World War II, according to secret government files released Wednesday.
The newly declassified documents from Britain's Public Records Office said a combination of bad weather, illness and ineptitude unraveled the covert 1940 mission.

Reuters 11/13/01
Sifting through data to detect new attacks

by Adam Pasick
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In the wake of Sept. 11, security experts working to prevent future attacks are taking a closer look at computer software that helps retailers mail catalogs and credit companies combat fraud.

Reuters 11/13/01
Use of Internet 'Cookies' targeted

STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - In efforts to boost confidence in the Internet, the European Parliament on Tuesday backed draft proposals to restrict the use of digital tracking devices known as "cookies".

KGTV 11/13/01
SDSU to release students' records to INS

The records of 198 foreign students at San Diego State University will be turned over to the Immigration and Naturalization Service this week, 10News reported Tuesday.

The Daily Leader 11/12/01
Archives official sorts through volumes of county records

by Matthew Coleman
A faint, musky smell lingers in the air as Bill Hanna works his way through the "dungeon."
Volumes of old records surround the historian while he maneuvers through the storage room in the chancery clerk's office at the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Government Complex. Armed with his bowl of bright orange paint, Hanna is deciding what records stay and which ones go.

CNETNews.com 11/13/01
U.S. Web usage hits all-time high

by Gwendolyn Mariano
A record number of U.S. residents went online last month, Web measurement companies reported Tuesday, driven partly by a large increase in Web access at home and the rise of online use by underrepresented groups.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer 11/13/01
West Seattle's lost mural is back in all its 1937 glory

by Gregory Roberts
The saga of the lost mural of West Seattle High reached a happy climax yesterday when students pulled back a big white sheet to reveal a glowingly restored canvas illustrating the landing of the Denny Party at Alki Point exactly 150 years ago today.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va