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EAD summary

And here are some helpful resources to consult when deciding whether to
embark on EAD:

There have been several sessions at recent conferences, including:
        SAA August 2000:  one session called "Beyond Markup:  Accessing
and Using EAD-Encoded Materials," another one titled "Everything But
Encoding:  Costs and Benefits of EAD Consortia"
        Midwest Archives Conference Spring 2001, Paper presented by Amy
Cooper, "Deciding for the Future:  Answering the Questions that EAD
Poses for a Small Archives"
        SAA August 2001:  "EAD Implemention:  Strategies for the Rest of
Us" and "To EAD or Not To EAD--Is That Really the Question?"

Information on subscribing to the EAD listserv can be found at

There have been several articles in American Archivist:
        Two EAD issues (Vol. 60 Nos. 3 & 4, 1997)
        Search the tables of contents for recent issues at
        Articles on retrieving finding aids on the web

Dan Linke posted his SAA presentation at

The EAD Application Guidelines at
http://lcweb.loc.gov/ead/ag/aghome.html, Chapter 2.