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Re: "musty"

Ah, Jeff - a place after my own heart!  ;->  You forgot to mention spiders
- no REAL rchives is without a face-slapping web or two.  I'm sure someone
from warmer climes will be happy to ship you some if you find yourself
lacking.  Or do think the rats will get jealous?   ttfn - Jill  =)

Jill L Schneider
USGS - Alaska Technical Data Unit

                    "O'Brien, Jeff (Clerks)"
                    <Jeff.OBrien@CITY.SASKAT        To:     ARCHIVES@LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU
                    OON.SK.CA>                      cc:
                    Sent by: Archives &             Subject:     Re: "musty"

                    12/04/2001 07:53 AM
                    Please respond to
                    "O'Brien, Jeff (Clerks)"

I tried all that and it didn't work. People still expected the Archives to
fit their stereotypes and  were, I felt, somewhat disappointed when it
didn't. Customer service being our number one priority around here I
long and hard to move us from our new facility into danker, more dimly-lit
quarters in the basement.  Even then I felt it didn't have the proper
atmosphere, but fortunately I was able to pick up a case of "Must-in-a-can"
aerosol spray very cheaply. That plus the rats has added greatly to the
ambience and I think people really like it.

Jeff "blowing dust off of paper since 1995" O'Brien

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